Then on Sunday after church and much errand running we headed to Rock Creek, east of Missoula, to hike there, hoping to see many Bighorn Sheep! We drove about 27 miles to get there, it was all paved roads which was nice. The area out there I noticed was very pretty and just about everyone lived in a cabin type home, which is one of our dreams someday, a cabin with some land! Right when we started our hike there we saw some Whitetail, course mommy couldn't get the camera out fast enough before they ran away. But we enjoyed that hike, we just hiked until we thought we should turn around for the sake of Titus. He got hungry on that hike too, and slept on the way back to the car. I am not sure where that trail took you for a destination but I think we will go back again sometime and try to find out. We also had packed some firewood in the car with some food and smores to enjoy for dinner but as soon as we got back to the car it started pouring. We never saw any Bighorn on our hike but we drove a little further up the road hoping it would stop raining and find a campsite to enjoy our goodies. We found a group of Bighorn near the road but it never stopped raining so we went back home. We will enjoy a campfire here soon with our goodies!
Titus is growing so big and no one can believe he is only 3 months old! I think he has rolled over at least a dozen times now since he was 8 weeks old! Three times just yesterday! And he is discovering his hands and feet and his voice. He generally sleeps about 10-11 hours at night now but he has been sleeping through the night for at least a month already. He has moved into his own room since he was 12 weeks old and that transition went really well for him. I think mommy was more worried than he was. Just tonight I got out his rubber duckies at bath time for the first time and was squirting him with them and he was laughing! Oh, he is so cute! Daddy gives him airplane rides and he loves it, he just keeps springing up off his feet cuz he wants more!
We hiked around this rocky cliff area, the trail was probably just at the base of the rocks and above the trees that are below, a lot of the trail was covered in shale.
The view below our Rock Creek hike, horses grazing, one of mommies favorite of all God's creation.
Daddy and Titus on our hike in Rock Creek, my two favorite men!
A view of Missoula coming back down the Blue Mountain National Recreation Trail.
Blue Mountain (fire) Lookout Tower, 50 ft., we wanted to go up into it but the stairs were very steep and at the top of the stairs the door was closed. But they say you can see 5 different mountain ranges from up there!
At the top of Blue Mountain, 6,460 ft.
Sounds like an adventure! I wish we had more places to get out like that around here!