Titus is close to 16 weeks now, he is getting very vocal and he is such a good baby. Sure there are moments or days when mom feels like she doesn't get anything done but I am learning to adjust still and trying to work with that as much as I know how at this point. I feel like nothing prepares you for this and at times it is different than how you thought it would be, but by God's grace it is still good and it is worth it. You have the opportunity to make a direct impact for eternity in the life of your children in how you decide to raise them. I love that verse, Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it." That is a promise from the very Word of God that we can claim as His children. Titus is very strong with his neck and holding up his head, it seems he has been from birth and he is about 15 lbs. now! Most everyone that meets him or sees him thinks he looks older than what he is because of his size! I am hoping to hold off introducing any food at all until he is 6 months, therefore eating only breast milk til then. His Pediatrician recommends that because of allergies these days and with the allergy history of some of his cousins I think that would be best for him too.
Well last week mom joined Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), which is an interdenominational, in-depth Bible study that actually meets all over the world! Some of you may remember that I did this about 10 years ago, the first year they taught the book of Romans. Then I started work at the Vet Clinic and I couldn't go anymore because it is on Wednesday mornings here in Missoula for the women. But now I have Titus and they have a great children's program where they teach them the same thing that the parents are studying. And this year is a new study to BSF, they are teaching through Isaiah! And actually since Titus is so young I can keep him with me for nursing and such. I think once he is crawling I will put him in the children's program. If you are interested and are looking for a good Bible Study, just click on the link for BSF down under the websites we enjoy. You can search for one by your zip code and they have a class for men too. Tom is not going yet because he is pretty involved in our church's youth group on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings plus any extra activities they do. But I am loving it and it just started last week and goes through the school year with breaks like for Christmas and such.
I think Tom is happy that NFL season is started back up, we love those Broncos! Titus already has two Broncos outfits, at this point for the future. We also think it is awesome that Tim Tebow is on the team after his awesome Pro-Life testimony last year during the Super Bowl commercials!
We are hoping to drive to CO to spend Thanksgiving with Toms parents and then fly into IL or WI to spend Christmas with my family this year! Pray that we can accomplish those trips, we should be able to get at least one free ticket because we earn travel reward points with both of our debit cards thanks to our great US Bank. I am so excited for Titus to play with his cousins, Gracie and Bella, they have not met him yet and neither have my sisters! And we have not met Bella yet and she is going to be a year old in November! And Titus is only about 5-6 lbs. less than her from what my sister tells me! What a ham! But Tom does have plenty of PTO stored up so that is great.
I love this picture cuz it looks like Titus is sitting in the ball! His development book actually recommended doing this to encourage muscle development, another great use for those exercise balls.
Okay I know those who are close to me know that I love most things that few people like, like anchovies, sushi and yes, sardines! I actually saw this on t.v. and wanted to try it and I had the ingredients for it so why not? A peanut butter and sardine sandwich, and it tasted really good! If anyone likes sardines, I recommend trying it.
One of Tom's great soups, Udon, actually from his time in Japan. I love it cuz the noodles (called Udon noodles) are like the size of earthworms and then he cooks up some good veggies to put in it like carrots, mushrooms and pea pods. And usually he slices up a hard boiled egg and puts that in too, which is an awesome way to enjoy hard boiled eggs.
Titus in his Bumbo chair with his precious bunny.
A view out our living room window! There has been a group of whitetail/mule deer of 7-10 everyday down in the gully outside our window! Some are good size bucks, Jerm you could come out here to hunt!
Carrie I can't believe you ate peanut butter with sardines AND are willing to admit it!!! That is ridiculous! Lol.
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff!! I'm really, really looking forward to seeing you guys when we come back on a furlough in a few years, even though Titus will be talking by then :)
ReplyDeleteLucas Lorenz