Well today is week number 37 which is considered full term even though my due date is 21 days away! I am going to get Daddy to coax the baby to come early because we are so anxious to meet the precious little life. He talks to the baby every morning before we get out of bed and usually again in the evening, I know that the baby will have no problem recognizing his voice once he/she is born. Aw, I am so excited. I had another check up yesterday but my Doctor was in surgery and his Nurse was going to just see me but not check me. But since I was expecting to be checked and Tom had come too she sent in the Nurse Practitioner to actually check me. She was really nice but I almost wanted to cry because she was palpating the baby in my belly as I'm laying on my back which already hurts so bad to be in that position when you are so far along. And then with the heartbeat monitor she was pressing that around on my belly to find the heartbeat and make sure she could hear it really clearly. Then she checked me and since she is a woman and is smaller than a man, she REALLY had to check me and at the same time she was pushing on my abdomen from the outside! I WANTED TO CRY! When she left I told Tom I would never ask for that again if it wasn't Dr. Burke. He is amazing when it comes to that just because he is so gentle about it AND quick.
On Tuesday night my sister in law, Carolyn, had planned a girls night/pampering session for me with her and two of my closest friends, Rachelle and Daisy. She made us a really good homemade soup and salad and Rachelle made the best cornbread muffins ever. We just sat at the table talking about baby/children stuff and we were laughing so hard I thought I was going to go into labor then but that would have been just fine according to a dream that Rachelle had about her and Daisy delivering my baby. Daisy was this amazing surgeon in her dream and just unzipped me like a pea pod and delivered the baby who was a boy with dark curly hair and with darker toned skin. And then Carolyn proceeded to inform me that there in a black person way back in Toms family! Oh my, we were all laughing so hard. Then they had brought some gifts for baby too which was really nice because as far as any outfits, we didn't really have anything yet, just some onesies basically. But now we are set for a little while till probably a shower comes along sometime after the baby comes.
Tonight I am going to a breastfeeding class that the hospital offers for free which I am excited about because well ya know when you haven't ever done something before it is nice to know ahead of time what to expect and I really want it to work for us because it is so much healthier for the baby and it is free food for the baby!