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Monday, May 3, 2010

Catch Up

So our retreat went well a couple weekends ago, there were times (mostly at night) when I thought to myself "What have I done to myself?!" Our speaker that the youth pastor brought in was from Denver, CO, and was very good. I thought that God used him to speak very well into the students lives right where their hearts are at for the Lord. He shared about how people are in one of three places in their lives, either "in the ditch" where you don't know who God is personally, or you are "in the middle of the road" where you know God but you haven't fully decided to give everything over to Him and with some things in your life you live the way the world does but you follow God in other areas of your life or you are "on the narrow path" where you are completely sold out for the Lord and you want Him to have everything in your life. He challenged the students in each session with them to be on the narrow path and he even had brought each of them a gift from CO, an "invisible" tent (Exodus 33) to help encourage them in pursueing that narrow path. But at night for me was the difficult thing, my mattress was okay, better than I think the bunk mattress would have been but I had 5 girls in my cabin and a couple of them would keep me up til about 1 am each night! Since I had to do potty breaks in the night, I kept our wood stove stoked and we were warm and toasty!!!!
This last weekend we were pretty busy, I had to work Saturday, we went up after work to Rainy Lake, past Seeley Lake, to visit some friends who were camping up there and Tom and our friend Tim went fishing while Pam and I played cribbage and caught up with each other. Their limit on the cutthroat trout was 3 each and they caught about 25 in their 2 hour outing. Mmmmm more fish for our freezer. I love it and so does lil muffin. Then yesterday we were babysitting my good friends kiddos for her after church til about 7pm. So I was very tired needless to say and had a meltdown last night just crying because I was so tired and thought that would make me feel better. But it is nice to catch up with friends and to be able to bless others even if it stretches you to the max at times. And I discovered yet again how great Tom is, when I am the weak one of the two of us, he steps up and does great even with 4 little munchkins.
Well I should go, I need to work on some stuff for tomorrow, it is a very special day tomorrow, my husband will be 39 years young!