What? Where has the time gone? I can't believe Titus is half a year old already and my heart can't believe it either! I was pathetically crying to Tom on Saturday night about the time going so fast and how much I don't want Titus to grow up and get older. I want him to stay an infant even though at times this stage can be trying for me at least. He is just beginning the stage where he is clingy and I thought it was tough before, at least he enjoyed his toys for a small amount of time without Mom being there but now he does on rare occasion. If mom tries to have him entertained with his toys so she can do the dishes, man that is a no no! I try to reassure him that he is okay without picking him up but that rarely works. And it is hard to find peace or pleasure in letting your little baby cry because you know they are okay but they don't think they are. Anyway he will only continue to get older and eventually won't need me and I don't like that idea. He is also starting to get snugly and that will someday go away too!
Well we introduced rice cereal yesterday as you can see in this cute pic of his first bite. Daddy got to feed him too, he took about 5 or 6 bites I would say and then he wasn't interested anymore. I think he liked it just not as much/long as I thought he would but what do I know, it was his first time. I would say he swallowed half of what we fed him and the other half ran down his chin! Anyway it was very cute and exciting. Although I am not excited for stinky solid food stool! With breast milk it barely stinks ever except when he passes gas!
Then we took him outside to see what he thought of the snow since dad was out there grilling some pork ribs, which were so delicious by the way. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Course dad thought he would like to taste the snow since he likes to put everything else in his mouth. That lasted a short bit and then he was cold.
Today was his 6 month well check! He is 16 lbs. 11 1/2 oz. now and 28 1/4 in. long! It is always interesting, every time he has a Dr. appt. and mom wants to get there a little early he has a blow out at home before we leave and I have to change his clothes along with his diaper and practically wipe his whole body down! So we still get there on time but just once I would like to get there early! He is starting to army crawl also! Very impressive to me, he gets his knees up under him but he doesn't put the two together yet. I don't think it will be long though.
Well I should go, we are trying to get things in order to leave for IL on Monday! Not long away, so excited! Oh just a prayer request if you think of it, my old red car that I have had forever (1996) I think has seen it's day! We are pretty sure there is a head gasket problem because the car is overheating and the oil looks like the coolant is leaking into it. It would most likely cost more to fix it than what the car is worth. So we are praying for what we should do, it will be interesting to see how the Lord provides for this need. This week Tom is driving his car to work, which I have been using since Titus was born, and we either go with him to have the car for the day or we stay home all day with no car. Our budget is pretty tight to be able to afford a monthly payment on something so we are not sure what is going to happen?
Titus is catching up on Presleigh. At her 9 month 1 week she was 17lb 8 oz and 27 inches long!